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Getting the foundations right from the beginning is crucial for the success and sustainability of a startup.

We free up your time and energy so you can focus on the things that move the needle. More importantly, we're here for the long haul, so everything we set up is with tomorrow in mind - not just today.

How we help startmate founders:

Our services are designed and priced specifically for early-stage startups. We've helped founders just like you with:

  • Identifying and applying for grants
  • Annual R&D tax claim in real time
  • Equity offers (ESOPs, ESS)
  • Identify best-fit tax structure
  • Support with day-to-day finance and bookkeeping
The KPMG High Growth Ventures portfolio

When you work with KPMG High Growth Ventures, you unlock access to a range of benefits including: 

  • Dedicated portfolio manager to accompany you as your start-up grows.
  • Exclusive events where you'll connect with other founders, investors and experts.
  • Marketing and PR opportunities to the KPMG High Growth Ventures community.
  • Resources and offers from our network of operators, including pitch coaching, growth specialists, and more.

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